AWS VS Azure

November 16, 2021

AWS VS Azure

When it comes to cloud computing platforms, there are two heavyweights in the industry: Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Both provide a wide range of powerful services and features for businesses, developers, and organizations of all sizes. In this blog post, we’ll compare AWS and Azure in terms of servers, so you can choose the best option for your needs.


Pricing is always a concern when it comes to any service, and it’s no different when it comes to cloud computing platforms. Both AWS and Azure have similar pricing structures that include compute, storage, and networking services. However, AWS offers a lower starting price than Azure for basic instances.


AWS offers a lot of services with a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where you pay only for what you use with no upfront cost. The pricing system is transparent and predictable with no hidden costs.


Azure also offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, but it may be a bit more complicated than AWS. However, it has options that reduce costs, like Azure Hybrid Benefit.

The Winner

AWS offers lower pricing for entry-level instances, making it a better option for smaller businesses. For larger businesses, Azure's cost reduction options can make it a more affordable choice.


Performance is a crucial factor when considering a cloud computing platform's server options. Both AWS and Azure offer high-quality servers for excellent performance, uptime, and availability.


AWS offers Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances that can deliver high performance, with a wide range of processor and memory options available. AWS' auto-scaling ability is also fast and efficient to adapt to changing workloads.


Azure provides Virtual Machines (VM) that are fast, powerful, and give very high IOPS (input/output operations per second), which translates into excellent server performance. Azure's scalability is also top-notch, linking with a wide range of services.

The Winner

Both AWS and Azure are neck to neck in terms of performance, providing servers that offer excellent performance with superior scalability options.


Another important consideration when comparing AWS and Azure's servers is their reliability. With businesses increasingly relying on cloud servers for their critical operations, it's essential to know which platform is more reliable.


AWS has a fantastic track record for network infrastructure, service uptime, and outstanding reliability when it comes to server uptime. AWS instances scale up and down, ensuring there’s no downtime for the user.


Azure also provides a high level of reliability and uptime, but the platform has faced several outages recently, which impacted some of its clients.

The winner

In terms of reliability, AWS comes out on top. Despite Azure's excellent track record, AWS has a longer history of providing exceptional reliability.


In conclusion, both AWS and Azure are fantastic cloud computing platforms. However, each platform has unique features and services that cater to different business needs. In terms of servers, AWS is the clear winner for businesses that need low-cost entry instances and high reliability. But, for larger companies with complex needs, Azure's cost reduction options and impressive scalability might make it the better choice.


Please note that this is a general comparison, and each business has specific needs, and the user's experience may vary. The best choice depends on various factors such as workload, business size, and preferences. Please consult with a professional to analyze your particular use-case.


  1. AWS Pricing:

  2. Azure Pricing:

  3. Azure outages:

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